What’s different in the various Hogwarts Legacy editions? (2025)

The 2022 Opening Night Live held by Gamescon possessed a plethora of interesting news, including the much-awaited knowledge regarding the Deluxe and Collector’s editions of Hogwarts Legacy. This single-player action role-playing game boasts an 1890 backdrop with players getting the chance to experience the events taking place at the School of Wizardry and Witchcraft.

Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world game set in the mysterious institution of Hogwarts. In this supernatural thriller, gamers will act as students equipped with the curiosity to discover the hidden secrets of the Wizarding World. To a few gamers’ disappointment, Hogwarts Legacy will be devoid of a multiplayer mode.

Fortunately, you’ll be able to sanction your entry into Hogwarts castle, the Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade, and other surrounding regions. Additionally, progression into higher levels will occur via attending classes, practising witchcraft and completing objectives.

Note: The game is scheduled to release on 10th February 2023 for PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation, while the pre-order becomes available from 25th August 2022.

Hogwarts Legacy is rolling out special editions; Deluxe, Digital Deluxe, and Collector’s. Apart from the Standard edition, they all come with early access to the game. However, the Deluxe edition encompasses a package of digital benefits, while the Collector’s edition packs more physical perks.

Here’s more about the most significant differences between the various editions made available for Hogwarts Legacy.


1 – Hogwarts Legacy Standard Edition

I. Price

II. Contents

2 – Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition

I. Price

II. Contents

3 – Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Digital Edition

I. Price

II. Contents

4 – Hogwarts Legacy Collector’s Edition

I. Price

II. Contents

5. About Hogwarts Legacy

1 – Hogwarts Legacy Standard Edition

What’s different in the various Hogwarts Legacy editions? (1)

The Standard edition is the most generic version of Hogwarts Legacy. It’s already available in the market for gamers to pre-order. Furthermore, it’s the only edition that the developers, Avalanche Software, have validated.

Given below is the price and composition of the Hogwarts Legacy Standard Edition.

I. Price

  • PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC – $59.99
  • PS5, Xbox Series X – $69.99

II. Contents

While the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consist of a premium Console Exclusive Quest, the other console version only comes with a base copy of the game.

2 – Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition

What’s different in the various Hogwarts Legacy editions? (2)

The Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition grabs the edge over the Standard Edition primarily due to the 72-hour early access it comes with. As a result, the owners of this edition will be able to access the game on 17th February 2023 instead of 20th February 2023. In addition, it comes with a considerable number of other perks.

Mentioned below is the price and composition of the Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition.

I. Price

  • PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC – $69.99
  • PS5, Xbox Series X – $79.99

II. Contents

Apart from a copy of the base version of the game and three-day early access, this edition includes a Thestral Mount, a Dark Arts Cosmetic Pack, and a Dark Arts Battle Arena. Needless to say, it also encompasses the Console Exclusive Quest packed in the Standard Edition.

If players pre-order this version of Hogwarts Legacy, they receive an Onyx Hippogriff Mount as an add-on.

3 – Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Digital Edition

What’s different in the various Hogwarts Legacy editions? (3)

Although the Deluxe Digital Edition might not be a massive upgrade from the Digital Edition, it comes with a few exciting additions that might appeal to many gamers.

Given below is the price and composition of the Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Digital Edition.

I. Price

  • PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC – $79.99

Note: Unlike the two lower editions, Standard and Deluxe, the Deluxe Digital Edition has a uniform price for all platforms.

READ: Hogwarts Legacy to Exclude a Multiplayer, Focus on Single-player

II. Contents

As mentioned above, the Deluxe Digital Version isn’t a highly reasonable upgrade to the Deluxe Edition. Nevertheless, it’s loaded with a couple of extra features, such as a Dark Arts Garrison Hat and a Cross-Gen upgrade.

Other elements like a base copy of the game, a Thestral Mount, a Dark Arts Cosmetic Pack, a Dark Arts Battle Arena, Console Exclusive Quest, and three-day early access remain the same.

4 – Hogwarts Legacy Collector’s Edition

What’s different in the various Hogwarts Legacy editions? (4)

Possibly the most enticing edition of Hogwarts Legacy, the Collector’s edition comes with a multitude of surprises for gaming enthusiasts. Although priced in the higher bracket, the physical contents of this edition make it worth the same. Additionally, this edition will hit the stores on 7th February 2023.

The price and composition of the Hogwarts Legacy Collector’s Edition are mentioned below.

I. Price

  • PS4, Xbox One, PC – $289.99
  • PS5, Xbox Series X – $299.99

II. Contents

The Hogwarts Legacy Collector’s edition contains everything the Deluxe Digital Edition does. A Thestral Mount, a Dark Arts Cosmetic Pack, a Dark Arts Battle Arena, Console Exclusive Quest, three-day early access, a Dark Arts Garrison Hat, a Cross-Gen upgrade, and more.

What’s more, the perks that make this edition the ultimate winner are the material goodies; a Kelpie Robe, a Steel Case, and a Floating Ancient Magic Wand with Book Base.

Like the Deluxe version, if players pre-order this version of Hogwarts Legacy, they receive an Onyx Hippogriff Mount as an add-on.

5. About Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is an open-world RPG from Avalanche Studio. The game places the player in the wizarding school of Hogwarts, allowing them to witness the iconic locations as a character other than Harry Potter.

The game has an expansive map that makes the game very immersive, even for people who are yet to read the books or watched the movie.

The mysterious, gripping storyline, with the vast areas to explored, either on foot or broomstick, makes it even more real life.

What’s different in the various Hogwarts Legacy editions? (2025)
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