What Are Professional Skills: Examples for Resumes in 2024 (2024)

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What are professional skills?

11 examples of professional skills

How to develop professional skills

The importance of improving your professional skills

It’s all about growth

Whether you’re applying for your first job out of college or prepping for retirement, you need professional skills.

Some are job-specific, and others are transferable from position to position. Either way, the list of professional skills on your resume tells employers your capacity to fulfill your roles and responsibilities, how you interact with coworkers, and your ability to maintain personal well-being on the job. In other words, they explain why and how you’re fit for work.

Professional skills play a vital role in your resume’s anatomy. They don’t set you apart in the job market — they’re the minimum you need for success. The trick is to know which ones prospective employers are looking for so you can add them to your job skills list.

What are professional skills?

What Are Professional Skills: Examples for Resumes in 2024 (3)

Professional skills are capacities that help you function within a work environment and perform at your highest level. These include everything from hands-on knowledge, like how to analyze data, to interpersonal skills, like how to approach a difficult coworker.

It’s common to confuse professional skills versus technical skills. Professional skills are more broad, while technical ones are job or industry-specific. If you’re a computer programmer, your technical skills likely include expertise with computer languages like Python or C++. But your professional skills might include time management and conflict resolution as well as those languages. They all directly impact the ability to perform tasks.

Generally, the various types of professional skills fall into two categories: hard and soft skills.

Hard skills

These are more technical capabilities you can earn through training or experience, like technological literacy, data analysis, or copywriting. These vital skills could apply to any role or more specific ones, depending on the specialization.

Soft skills

Soft skills are somewhat intangible, like integrity, punctuality, and attention to detail. They’re more closely related to personality traits than an actual skill set. You can work to develop these abilities, but there’s rarely a formal course of study for them.

In Zip Recruiter’s 2022 Job Market Outlook for Grads, an overwhelming 93% of employers reported that soft skills play a critical role in hiring decisions. That preference makes working on these professional skills to develop all the more critical.

11 examples of professional skills

What Are Professional Skills: Examples for Resumes in 2024 (4)

Determine which professional development skills to learn based on your interests, goals, and career path. Most are easily transferable, so it’s up to you to find what your potential weaknesses are and pinpoint what to strengthen. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Leadership

Professional leadership skills teach you how to instruct, guide, and motivate a team to work toward a common goal. It doesn’t matter if you’re currently in a senior position or not. Anyone can help lead a team by listening actively and making sure everyone around you has a voice. Start by developing skills such as:

  • Accountability

  • Decision-making

  • Task prioritization

  • Empathy

  • Delegation

  • Goal setting

  • Team management

  • Project management

  • Conflict resolution

2. Problem-solving

Developing the know-how to construct solutions when problems arise will help you respond proactively to changing situations. You’ll create effective action plans and find alternatives to the challenges you encounter on the job. If you want to add problem-solving skills to your resume, consider:

  • Critical thinking

  • Contingency planning

  • Data gathering

  • Creativity

  • Research

  • Analysis

  • Innovation

  • Emotional regulation

3. Emotional intelligence

Understanding how to relate to your coworkers, effectively express your feelings, and interpret others’ behavior can help improve your productivity in a team setting. These skills reduce miscommunications and conflicts, helping you navigate tense situations and understand others’ feelings. Skills that enhance emotional intelligence include:

  • Self-awareness

  • Empathy

  • Self-regulation

  • Sympathy

  • Initiative

  • Compassion

  • Trustworthiness

4. Lifelong learning

Skill sets for specific jobs have changed by 25% since 2025. No matter what industry you’re in, you need to stay on your toes and be open to learning new things. This helps you respond to an evolving workplace and shows consistent initiative. These skills include:

  • Adaptability

  • Flexibility

  • Enthusiasm

  • Curiosity

  • Being receptive to feedback

  • Self-motivation

  • Engagement with the latest industry trends

  • Openness to growth

5. Public speaking

Developing public speaking skills won’t only help you give engaging presentations. It can also increase confidence speaking up in meetings and expressing your feelings. You’ll be more persuasive when offering opinions and have the necessary skills to explain complex concepts to your coworkers. Some areas of study include:

  • Charisma

  • Confidence

  • Non-verbal communication

  • Logic

  • Planning

6. Confidence

Knowing you have the skills to do your job and deliver high-quality work, even under challenging circ*mstances, helps everyone around you thrive. When you prove yourself, your managers are more willing to give you challenging, exciting projects, and coworkers will view you as a reliable resource. You can develop your self-confidence through skills like:

  • Assertiveness

  • Determination

  • Empowerment

  • Self-esteem

  • Self-assessment

  • Optimism

7. Professionalism

Understanding how to navigate relationships in a professional setting requires different interpersonal skills than those you use with friends and family. You need to approach situations with respect and understanding while keeping a professional distance. To maintain professionalism, consider working on:

  • Client management skills

  • Reliability

  • Etiquette

  • Respect

  • Time management

  • Maturity

  • Kindness

8. Organization

Working a consistent job often comes with competing priorities. You need to meet deadlines while developing professionally and maintaining your work-life balance, and that’s no easy task. Here are some organizational skills to improve your efficiency:

  • Planning

  • Dependability

  • Resource allocation

  • Prioritization

  • Punctuality

  • Time management

  • Stress management

9. Teamwork

Most jobs require a certain level of interdependency. Even if you don’t regularly work in a team, at some point you’ll need to depend on your coworkers to fulfill some of your responsibilities. Being prepared to work together can help you thrive when that time does come. Learn teamwork skills by developing your capacity for:

  • Respect

  • Tolerance

  • Persuasion

  • Friendliness

  • Cooperation

  • Collaboration

  • Generosity

What Are Professional Skills: Examples for Resumes in 2024 (5)

10. Communication

This is another essential skill set that can help you regardless of your career path. Professional communication skills enhance information-sharing across any channel, from email and instant messaging to phone calls and body language. They’re also an asset across your personal life. Enhance your communication by working on:

  • Active listening

  • Networking

  • Advocacy

  • Negotiation

  • Facilitation

  • Customer service

11. Ethics

Your employer expects you to match its company values and act with integrity, no matter what your position is. And many specialized jobs have ethical codes of conduct to uphold, like nursing or counseling. You need to practice honesty and earn people’s trust, and you can do that by developing your:

  • Principles

  • Honesty

  • Code of ethics

  • Loyalty

  • Reliability

How to develop professional skills

There are many ways to build or improve your professional skills, and it depends on who you are and what you want to learn. Some follow a traditional course of study, and others prefer self-directed learning. And some skills, you can only develop through real-world experience and practice.

Base your choice on your preferred learning style. If you’re unsure, here’s a guide to different ways you can develop new skills:

1. Online or in-person studies

Check out your local community college, professional associations, or online upskilling platforms to find courses on the professional skill you want to learn. A quick Google search should point you toward a relevant program. You can also ask your network if they’re familiar with a resource that could help you.

2. Conferences or workshops

Conventions, lectures, and other professional events offer the opportunity to work on professional skills within the context of your industry. They’re also a great chance to network with your peers. Try looking for annual conferences and specialized workshops, and ask coworkers if they’re willing to join you.

3. Books

Books cover a range of business and leadership topics, like imposter syndrome and self-help, and are great resources for learning something new. You can read at your own pace and refer to them again and again whenever you need a refresher.

4. Mentorships

Sometimes learning requires a personal touch, and that’s where a mentor comes in. Mentorship provides valuable insight into your unique professional challenges, allowing you to learn from someone else’s experience. A long-term relationship has a personal touch that can’t come from a book or online course.

5. Observation

Watch how your peers, teammates, and managers interact and navigate workplace challenges. Take note of what professional skills they’re using, then emulate that behavior in your role. And if you have a 1:1 meeting with your manager, try asking them for advice on how they learned those skills.

6. Questions

Gain insights into aspects of your role, business, and industry by asking questions to the people around you. You’ll learn about the topic from various perspectives that you can apply to your own position. The answers may also provide a further jumping-off point for other professional development activities.

7. Feedback

Development doesn’t happen in a bubble. Requesting feedback from your manager or coworkers demonstrates maturity and a desire to learn — two desirable professional traits. And it could point you toward the development opportunities that will best help you progress along your career path.

8. Coaching

Sometimes it helps to get an objective overview of your strengths and weaknesses. A coach can provide valuable insight into areas of development and put them into the context of your career goals and progression. And they’ll cheer you on as you improve.

The importance of improving your professional skills

The primary benefit of professional development is to perform better on the job. But learning the types of skills employers prioritize isn’t the only reason to work on your professional development. There are many benefits, including:

1. Job protection

According to the World Economic Forum, 44% of workers’ core skills will change by 2027. To stay relevant in the workplace, keep an eye on emerging technology and hiring trends to see which in-demand skills you should focus on. You’ll future-proof your career and show initiative along the way.

2. Career growth

When you develop your skills, you demonstrate engagement and commitment to your job. That makes you a valuable employee. And if you’re itching for a promotion or higher title, making active steps toward career advancement shows you’re eager to move up.

3. Credibility and confidence

Completing an approved course of study or earning a certification provides formal recognition of your skills. You — and potential employers — will be confident you have the knowledge required to perform your duties or to answer queries. And your qualifications will add weight and credibility to your input.

4. Network building

Professional learning events are great opportunities to meet with others in your industry. You’ll learn new skills and expand your network at the same time, connecting with peers who share your goals and interests.

It’s all about growth

What Are Professional Skills: Examples for Resumes in 2024 (6)

The only thing you can depend on is change. Your work will evolve even if you’re happy with your position and career, and continual professional growth means you’re always ready for shifts.

Investing in professional skills isn’t only about enhancing the skills section of your resume. It puts you in control of your work life. You can pick and choose exactly what your strengths will become, and employers will appreciate the initiative and drive. It’s a win-win.

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Published August 11, 2023

What Are Professional Skills: Examples for Resumes in 2024 (2024)


What is an example of a skill you have to include on your resume? ›

Example resume skills per job type
Hard skillsSoft skills
• Subject knowledge • Computer skills • Curriculum planning • Classroom management • Language skills• Communication • Adaptability • Leadership • Collaboration / Teamwork • Emotional intelligence
May 31, 2024

What are professionalism skills? ›

What are professionalism skills? Professionalism skills are competencies and learned behaviors that help you perform your job to the best of your ability. Professionalism may refer to how you conduct yourself in the workplace, your communication style, your integrity, your work ethic or how you handle conflict.

What are professional skills in a job description? ›

Professional skills are capacities that help you function within a work environment and perform at your highest level. These include everything from hands-on knowledge, like how to analyze data, to interpersonal skills, like how to approach a difficult coworker.

What are top 6 skills? ›

Six of the most important skills, according to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) are problem-solving skills, the ability to work in a team, a strong work ethic, analytical and quantitative skills, communication skills, and leadership qualities.

What skills should I fill in on my resume? ›

20 good skills to put on resume for new grads
  • Critical thinking. Employers expect candidates to have strong critical thinking skills to solve problems and make informed decisions. ...
  • Creativity. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Teamwork. ...
  • Time management. ...
  • Organization. ...
  • Attention to detail. ...
  • Adaptability.

How should you describe your skills on a resume? ›

Assess your ability in each skill as accurately as you can. Ask yourself if you have used this skill a little or a lot. For each skill, write a sentence showing how you've used that skill. Then write a sentence showing how you could use that skill in the job you would like.

How many skills should you list on a resume? ›

You should list 4 to 10 skills on a resume. The number of hard and soft skills you include on your resume depends on the job you want, but 4 to 10 is ideal for most candidates.

What professional skills do I have? ›

Some examples of professional skills include communication, teamwork, problem solving, time management, leadership, flexibility, organization, writing, public speaking, and customer service.

What are 6 attributes of a professional? ›

The NBAA Safety Committee has identified six traits of personal professionalism as a starting point for those who want to improve their own performance: character, attitude, engagement, competency in vocational skill, image and continuous improvement.

What is another way to say professional skills? ›

Examples of synonyms for "skills"

Abilities. Competencies. Strengths. Capabilities.

What is resume in professional skills? ›

A resume is a formal document that a job applicant creates to itemize their qualifications for a position. A resume is usually accompanied by a customized cover letter in which the applicant expresses an interest in a specific job or company and draws attention to the most relevant specifics on the resume.

Should you include professional skills on resume? ›

Absolutely! The skills section of your resume is the perfect place to showcase the unique abilities that make you a great fit for the job you're applying to. Your skills section should include both the hard and soft skills that are relevant to the position you're applying for.

How do you identify professional skills? ›

To identify your skills and decide what skills to develop, you could:
  1. think about what you do in your current job.
  2. reflect on your past education and work experiences.
  3. think about the skills you've gained in daily life.
  4. talk to people who know you well outside of work, for a different perspective.

Should I list professional skills on resume? ›

The skills section is a crucial component of your resume and can play a significant role in your chances of interesting a potential employer. This section is where you list the skills you possess that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

What do I put for professional on a resume? ›

Right under the name, you should include your: Professional Title - this should always mirror the job position you are applying for. Let's say you are applying for a “front-end web development” position but your professional title says “Junior Data Scientist”.

How do you write a professional skills profile? ›

Tips For Writing Your Professional Profile
  1. Be yourself in your profile. If a word does not feel right to describe yourself , use a different word that encompasses your professional values and skills.
  2. Choose your words carefully. Keep your profile wording simple and free from metaphors and figurative or vague language.
Jun 30, 2024

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