Servers, systems, and methods for single sign-on of an automotive commerce exchange (2024)

This application is a continuation in part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 16/041,552, which was filed on Jul. 20, 2018 and is titled SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR AN AUTOMOTIVE COMMERCE EXCHANGE, and which claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application 62/646,199, which was filed on Mar. 21, 2018, the entire disclosures of each of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference.

The disclosure relates to networks and software for automotive commerce exchange.

FIG. 1 is a simplified block diagram of an example of a system illustrating interfaces between developers and Dealership Management Systems (DMS) providers.

FIG. 2 is a simplified block diagram of an automotive commerce system, according to some embodiments.

FIG. 3 is a simplified diagram of a system including an exchange platform of FIG. 2, according to some embodiments.

FIG. 4 is a simplified block diagram of an example of a system of interfacing with multiple DMS providers, according to some embodiments.

FIG. 5 is a simplified block diagram of an online automotive commerce exchange platform system.

FIG. 6 is a simplified flow chart illustrating a method of operating an online automotive exchange platform.

Disclosed are systems and methods of an automotive commerce exchange that is an open platform and enables creative third-party developers, independent software vendors, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), and dealerships to consume Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and develop and market solutions to improve efficiency and innovation in the industry.

The past decade has been a period of growth for the automotive industry. The benefits of that growth, however, have been unevenly distributed. This growth has also masked headwinds that the industry must come to terms with soon. Some of these headwinds include complexity and cost pressure, diverging markets, digital demands, and shifting industry landscapes. Each of these items is discussed below:

There will continue to be more platform sharing and more modular systems for automobiles. Regulatory pressures, however, will tighten, and prices in established markets will be flat.

OEMs will need to adapt to regional and segmented patterns of supply and demand with respect to production, supply chain, and product portfolios. Also, OEMs will need to be ready to embrace the growth opportunities in the Chinese after-sales market.

Consumers will continue to want more connectivity and will increasingly use digital sources to make their purchasing decisions.

This relates to creating more value with alternative powertrain technologies that can emerge, and satisfying consumer demand around safety and entertainment. OEMs will need to deal with the restructuring that must continue to occur in Europe to have capacity match demand and embrace the increasing competition that will occur in China.

Stakeholders in the automotive industry that will be impacted by these items include retailers, consumers, and OEMs, as discussed below:

Retailers are facing, among other things, the following headwinds:

    • Declining Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR),
    • An inventory supply that is greater than 70 days,
    • New car incentives that are greater than 10 percent of Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (MSRP),
    • Margin compression, and
    • Market consolidation.

Consumers are shifting toward digital tools when shopping for automobiles, are demanding a better end-to-end retail experience, and are driving omni-channel commerce and online-to-offline (O2O) experience.

OEMs are investing more in Information Technology (IT) as they strive to control more of the consumer experience to compete with the threat that comes from direct distribution.

Other influences in today's automotive industry include:

    • New ownership and transportation models are emerging,
    • Disruptive entrants are on the horizon,
    • Independent point solutions are not unlocking value,
    • Sales associate productivity has not improved in 25 years, and
    • Sales processes are more complicated today for sales associates and customers and, as a result, still take too long.

With all these issues in mind, if a dealer from 1988 were dropped into a dealership in 2018, he or she may be both bewildered and amazed by the advancement of technology, manufacturing capability, safety, efficiency, and power that are available in today's automobiles. If the 1988 dealer were asked to actually sell a car, however, he or she would be in familiar territory. For example, scheduling and preparing a car for a test drive is just as labor-intensive and inefficient today as it was in 1988. The time it takes to sell a car and the number of people to accomplish that sale and go through approval, desking, Finance and Insurance (F&I), titling, and delivery are almost identical to similar processes of 1988. Also, the dealer would actually find that the sales value chain is just as fragmented and disconnected today as it was in 1988.

There are several reasons why current technological advancements have failed to improve automobile sales processes. First, current solutions are one-off, and one size does not fit all. Also, it is currently very difficult for software application developers to integrate with DMSs. Furthermore, mega products rarely satisfy needs with best-in-class experience across the board. On top of all this, contracting and partnership agreements are slow and manual, and ultimately result in a point-to-point solution with a poor developer experience. There is currently no one place that can be a single source of information for managing transactions between different services. While existing partner programs work and are a strong foundation, these programs enable a limited value exchange when it comes to revenue, data sharing, and business value because of these constraints. A Third-Party Access Program (3PA) that offers integration that is point-to-point, and not generalized to go across the systems, results in a manual enablement process without a marketplace to facilitate e-commerce and without a central orchestration engine.

FIG. 1 is a simplified block diagram of an example of a system 100 illustrating interfaces between developers 102A, 102B, and 102C (sometimes referred to herein collectively as “developers” 102 and individually as “developer” 102) and DMS providers 104A, 104B, and 104C (sometimes referred to collectively herein as “DMS providers” 104 or individually as “DMS provider” 104). Each developer 102 would have to develop its own APIs 110AA, 110AB, 110AC, 110BA, 110BB, 110BC, 110CA, 110CB, 110CC (sometimes referred to herein collectively as “APIs” 110 or individually as “API” 110) to interface with each of the DMS providers 104.

The APIs 110 are not standardized, which is why the developers 102 would develop their own APIs 110 for each of the DMS providers 104. Developing different and separate APIs 110 for each of the DMS providers 104 incurs a high cost and consumes a significant amount of time of the developers 102. As a result, financial and time resources of the developers 102 are often tied up with these APIs 110 and little or no resources may be left for new innovation.

Systems and methods disclosed herein address these challenges and enable end-to-end automotive commerce. Systems and methods disclosed herein power an open platform that allows for easy integration of capabilities to increase sales, operational efficiency, and profitability for dealers. Embodiments of the disclosure enable end-to-end e-commerce for the automotive industry via an open platform. Also, systems and methods disclosed herein provide standardized APIs to reduce the amount of resources developers invest in APIs, leaving more resources for innovation in other areas.

Embodiments of the disclosure include one or more of the following:

    • Standardized APIs to enable third-party developers to access DMS and other source-of-truth systems, in contrast with conventional APIs, which are not consistent or standardized and make developers' lives difficult and slow down the rate of innovation.
    • Best-in-class software modules to fulfill a given business workflow and enable consumers of the modules, such as dealers, dealer group IT professionals, and end users, to avail themselves of the flexibility afforded by these modules.
    • Flexibility to enable OEMs to innovate regardless of the software vendors being used by their dealerships.
    • Aggregated automotive APIs in one place to enable the community to innovate.
    • Aggregated automotive forums, blogs, or both in one place to enable the community to collaborate.
    • A marketplace that offers the capability to list, market, sell, and buy the solutions and enable seamless automated e-commerce.
    • Transaction-aware smart orchestration to power up innovation and customer experience on the platform.

Facilitating the creation of an exchange that allows for standardized hosting of APIs and Software Development Kits (SDKs) that can be leveraged by various parties (e.g., developers, dealers, designated agents, OEMs, and industry verticals) through an automated brokering process enables a developer network that allows for easy creation of solutions leveraging these APIs through a modern developer experience, according to various embodiments disclosed herein.

Embodiments disclosed herein can be hosted and distributed in a marketplace. Because the exchange is the principal interface point for data, multiple value and revenue chains may be created for OEMs, dealer IT, and third-party Independent Software Venders (ISVs). Whereas in previous systems, point-to-point solutions used custom contract negotiation and bespoke API enablement, now a turnkey, self-service process allows a developer or OEM to publish APIs and solutions once. As a result, these APIs and solutions can serve an unlimited number of customers.

Since the exchange is the intersection point for transactions and data interchange, true workflow across applications and services may be enabled. This paves the way for the future of automotive commerce by creating opportunities for the developers, dealer IT, and third-party ISVs to create powerful solutions that orchestrate activities via simple enablement and integration, such as notifications, expert recommendations powered by machine learning, and targeting advertising and cross-selling based on geographic, psychographic, and other available consumer data.

As previously discussed, developers, dealers, designated agents, OEMs, and industry verticals that want to participate in automotive commerce space may be enabled to participate in automotive commerce using embodiments disclosed herein. These embodiments provide simple-to-use, scalable, and secure access to automotive commerce.

There has never previously been an easy way to combine and integrate a best-in-class solution a dealer needs without an often prohibitive amount of custom development and integration. Embodiments disclosed herein remove that barrier from dealers, allowing them to pick the solutions and services they want. Embodiments disclosed herein also make changes to those services and substitution of those services for other services simple administrative functions. If widespread implementation of these embodiments occurs in the industry, this should create positive competitive market forces and raise the quality bar of widespread offerings in the industry.

Embodiments of the disclosure enable API publishers to create specifications and securely deploy and publish the specifications at scale. Embodiments of the disclosure also provide analytics and operational tools to enable API publishers to create correct API specifications that will work in the exchange.

Also, developers will have access to the same experience, where they can register for the exchange, develop offerings with APIs and design, and securely deploy and publish those APIs in the marketplace. Developers have the flexibility of creating solutions that work with multiple APIs so that different dealers that use potentially competing services can still take advantage of the same developer solution.

Furthermore, dealer IT can go into the marketplace and see the solutions that are available in the marketplace. Once parties associated with dealer IT are authenticated, they can enable entitlements that integrate their dealer services with solutions that are purchased and managed in the marketplace. At any time, they can return to the marketplace and alter enablements by either stopping or switching services. The marketplace may also support orchestration services that will allow dealer IT to easily enhance workflow with what today would be considered expensive and custom point-to-point solutions, which in many cases are not even possible without a common exchange and standards.

These scenarios illustrate how embodiments disclosed herein enable a seamless customer experience that drives value across an entire ecosystem. Platforms according to these embodiments are designed to enable network effects for dealers and developers at scale.

A few example embodiments disclosed herein include a connected store (OEM), a connected car end-to-end (dealer), and inventory management (ISV). Each of these example embodiments will be discussed below.

OEMs often have access to large amounts of powerful data and insights about consumers and their propensity to buy or update a vehicle based on dealer service utilization. An OEM could develop a set of APIs and make them accessible through the marketplace. The OEM could mandate that its dealer networks use the APIs and provide a consistent set of experience and data across multiple channels. Examples of channels that could facilitate provision of experience and data include CDK Global® Sites, third-party portal sites, dealer sites, and own OEM sites (when it comes to inventory, pricing, trade-in payments, credit and F&I). These services could be easily integrated into third-party tools like Deal Dash® and integrate with unique in-store capabilities such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), desking solutions, and customer showroom tools. The data exchange and configuration would be facilitated by the marketplaces disclosed herein (e.g., CDK Global's Zebrafish Marketplace). OEMs currently do not have the capability to practice embodiments disclosed herein because hundreds of custom solutions would be needed to support their dealer networks. With marketplaces disclosed herein, it quickly becomes possible to write API specifications and make the specifications available through the Zebrafish Developer Network, work with developers to create solutions for their dealer markets, and have dealer IT drive the solution entitlement through the marketplace.

Another example is customers getting a service notification through vehicle telemetry in their connected car. Marketplaces disclosed herein could broker data exchange between the consumer and dealer operations around quoting, service pricing, and repair order management. These marketplaces could also drive the integration with a dealer's connected lot and all of its service lane capabilities, such as scheduling, lane, inspection, notification, payment, and parts and inventory management. Today these scenarios have multiple break points because existing systems only allow for point-to-point integrations. Marketplaces disclosed herein, however, could enable a true workflow and orchestration with notification services, to provide a seamless experience to the customer.

Marketplaces disclosed herein can also enable scenarios around inventory management and give dealers a greater reach and funnel by driving integration of inventory and quoting with a third-party website. By way of non-limiting examples, a consumer may be enabled thereby to initiate a geographic search of automobiles through integration with APIs around Mobile Visual Search (MVS) and quoting, generating a penny-accurate quote that a consumer could take right to a dealer. Orchestration could provide extra value with this experience by offering turn-by-turn directions to the dealer of choice. Because all data may pass through the exchange, dynamic campaign and spot advertising may be supported based on where a customer is located geographically. Once a customer is at a dealer, the same visibility into data may guide a dealer into the most appropriate service upselling based on search parameters the customer entered in a third-party website.

These are just a few examples of what the marketplaces disclosed herein can enable today with services like Standard Positioning Service (SPS), MVS, quoting, and appointments. As marketplaces disclosed herein gain traction, thousands of partners will be able to independently develop and consume APIs to connect with dealers through the marketplace exchange. These examples illustrate how Zebrafish enables a seamless customer experience that drives value across an entire ecosystem and enables network effects for dealers and developers at scale.

Additional features that may be included in the marketplaces disclosed herein include comprehensive and open platform integration, proven enterprise-level support that is responsive and reliable, and enterprise-grade security to enable data transfer between data sources and applications.

Whereas in the past a point-to-point solution via a partner interface process (PIP) required custom contract negotiation and bespoke API enablement, embodiments disclosed herein provide a turnkey, self-service process that allows a developer or OEM to publish APIs and solutions once that can serve an unlimited number of customers. This will create value and revenue across the ecosystem by removing friction in access to data that traditional partnership efforts still use.

In some embodiments, the marketplace may include user interfaces configured to enable parties to register with the exchange. The user interfaces may enable these parties to provide APIs on the exchange.

As used herein, the term “module” refers to a software module including computer-readable instructions stored on one or more data storage devices and configured to instruct one or more processors to perform functions of the module.

In some embodiments, a computer server includes: one or more processors of an automotive commerce exchange platform and one or more computer-readable storage media operably coupled to the one or more processors. The one or more computer-readable storage media have computer-readable instructions stored thereon. The computer-readable instructions are configured to instruct the one or more processors to execute a plurality of different software interfaces with a plurality of different DMS systems and provide a standardized software interface. The standardized software interface is configured to enable communication between the one or more processors of the automotive commerce exchange platform and a plurality of different devices of entities involved with an automotive market. The standardized software interface is also configured to enable the plurality of different devices access to each of the plurality of different DMS systems, independent of local software interfaces of the plurality of different devices with each of the different DMS systems.

In some embodiments, the entities involved with the automotive market include a dealer, a software developer of automotive dealer software, an automotive service provider, and a dealership software system integrator.

In some embodiments, the computer-readable instructions are further configured to instruct the one or more processers to enable the plurality of different devices to test software interfaces between the one or more processors and the plurality of DMS systems without actually accessing the plurality of DMS systems during the test.

In some embodiments, the computer-readable instructions are further configured to enable users of the plurality of different devices to set terms and conditions, pricing, guidelines, or combinations thereof for software interfaces provided by the users.

In some embodiments, the computer-readable instructions are further configured to instruct the one or more processors to provide a developer network configured to enable software developers to explore the various software interfaces that are available through the automotive commerce exchange platform via the plurality of different devices.

In some embodiments, the developer network is further configured to enable the software developers to try to test the available software interfaces.

In some embodiments, the developer network is further configured to enable the software developers to access guidelines and access terms and conditions associated with the available software interfaces.

In some embodiments, the developer network includes a forum for developers of APIs across multiple different DMS systems to participate in online discussions.

In some embodiments, the computer-readable instructions are further configured to instruct the one or more processors to provide an environment (e.g., an online environment). In this environment, software provided through the automotive commerce exchange platform (e.g., software that utilizes at least one of the plurality of different interfaces) can be used by end users.

In some embodiments, the automotive commerce exchange platform is configured to serve as an interface for subscription and billing between developers of software provided by the automotive commerce exchange platform, providers of the plurality of different software interfaces, and the end users.

In some embodiments a computer server includes one or more communication devices and one or more processors. The one or more communication devices are configured to communicate with a plurality of different DMS systems and a plurality of different automotive software developer devices. The one or more processors are configured to execute different software interfaces to access the plurality of different DMS systems through the communication device, and provide a developer network configured to enable software developers to explore, using the plurality of different automotive software developer devices, the different software interfaces that are available through the automotive commerce exchange platform via the plurality of different devices for use in development of automotive software by the software developers.

In some embodiments, the developer network is also configured to enable the software developers to test use of the different software interfaces by their automotive software without actually accessing any of the plurality of different DMS systems.

In some embodiments, the developer network is also configured to provide an online forum to facilitate online discussions regarding automotive software development.

In some embodiments, the developer network is also configured to enable the software developers to set terms and conditions, pricing, or both, which are associated with their automotive software that is part of the automotive commerce exchange platform.

In some embodiments, the one or more processors are also configured to provide a marketplace including an online environment to enable end users of the automotive software to use the automotive software of the automotive commerce exchange platform.

In some embodiments, a computer server includes one or more communication devices and one or more processors. The one or more communication devices are configured to communicate with a plurality of different DMS systems and a plurality of different automotive software developer devices. The one or more processors are configured to execute different software interfaces to access the plurality of different DMS systems through the communication device. The one or more processors are also configured to provide a marketplace including an online environment to enable end users of automotive software to access the plurality of different DMS systems of the automotive commerce exchange platform using the different software interfaces.

In some embodiments, the one or more processors are also configured to provide online management of subscriptions and billing between developers of the automotive software, providers of the different software interfaces, and the end users.

In some embodiments, the one or more processors are configured to enable the end users to electronically search through the automotive software of the automotive commerce exchange platform.

In some embodiments, the one or more processors are configured to enable the end users to electronically search through the automotive software by categories of the automotive software.

In some embodiments, categories of the automotive software include at least one category taken from the group consisting of repair order software, electronic payment software, automobile quote software, DMS software, tax engine software, automobile sales software, automobile parts software, automotive-related entity accounting software, and automotive-related entity employee software.

FIG. 2 is a simplified block diagram of an automotive commerce system 200, according to some embodiments. The system 200 includes an exchange platform 300, one or more micro services 250, one or more devices 202 of one or more partners (e.g., parties that partner with a developer of the exchange platform 300), one or more devices 204 of one or more dealers (e.g., dealers of vehicles such as automobiles), one or more devices 206 of one or more developers (e.g., an independent sole proprietor of the developer of the exchange platform), one or more devices 207 of one or more service providers (e.g., an independent software development group that services the automotive industry), and one or more devices 208 of one or more system integrators (e.g., consultants that assist vehicle dealerships to implement automotive sales software).

The exchange platform 300 includes a transaction management layer 220 (“transaction management” 220), a developer network layer 230 (“developer network” 230), and a provisioning layer 240 (“provisioning” 240). The transaction management 220 includes consistent APIs 222, API test 224, event management 226, and analytics/insights 228. The consistent APIs 222 include standardized APIs (e.g., pre-provided APIs) that enable parties to access information from other parties (e.g., to enable a consumer to access appointments at a vehicle repair shop or automobile dealer, etc.). As a result, developers do not need to spend valuable time and money resources on developing APIs because these APIs are provided.

The API test 224 provides developers with example data that is similar to that which may be extracted by APIs of the consistent APIs 222. As a result, a developer may be enabled to test software using the example data without actually connecting to an actual party and actually accessing the live data at the actual party. This makes the development process simpler because the developer does not have to waste resources setting up trial accounts with the various parties participating in the exchange platform 300 in order to test software that is under development.

The analytics/insights 228 provide analytics for various parties. For example, analytics may be provided regarding the party that provides the exchange platform 300. Also by way of non-limiting example, the analytics/insights 228 may be configured to provide analytics regarding developers that provide APIs to the exchange platform 300. As a further, non-limiting example, the analytics/insights 228 may be configured to provide analytics regarding consumers of the APIs (e.g., how much money a developer owes to the platform, how many times a party used an API, etc.). As a result, insights for usage of the exchange platform 300 by various parties may be provided to various parties.

The developer network 230 provides the capability to build specifically for developers to make their onboarding frictionless, and provide for seamless onboarding and a seamless experience for developers. The developer network 230 includes a developer portal 232, the API test 224 (as discussed above), a forum/community 236, and a monetization 238. The developer portal 232 enables developers to go online and explore the various APIs that are available through the exchange platform 300, test these available APIs (e.g., using the API test 224), access API guidelines, and access terms and conditions for the APIs.

The forum/community 236 enables parties to post questions or comments online to spur discussions about these questions or comments. For example, if a party has a question, the party may post the question online and other parties can view and respond to the question.

The monetization 238 provides developers with a way to benefit from the APIs/software that they provide to the exchange platform 300. By way of non-limiting example, a developer may be enabled to submit an API, set his/her own terms and conditions, and set his/her own pricing structure (e.g., price for a subscription or purchase, etc.). Once the API is submitted, an administrator of the exchange platform 300 can review and approve or decline the API, terms and conditions, pricing structure, privacy policy, etc. Once approved, anybody can access the API, and the developer can start making money based on his/her own pricing structure.

The provisioning 240 includes a marketplace 242, configurable workflows 244, and billing/subscription 246. The marketplace 242 is an environment where software that utilizes one or more APIs provided by the exchange platform 300 can be used or consumed by the end user. The marketplace 242 may enable the end user to search through various software solutions (e.g., by category), try the solutions to see whether the solutions serve the desired purpose, and enable the solutions. The configurable workflows 244 enable the end users to configure their enabled solutions.

Once a solution is enabled in the marketplace 242, the billing/subscription 246 is configured to bill the end user for the use of the enabled solutions. The billing/subscription 246 may be configured to provide the funds owed to the developers of the enabled software solution and the providers of the APIs used by the enabled software solution as the end user uses the enabled software solution. In other words, the exchange platform 300 may serve as a financial bank between the developers, the API providers, and the end users.

The micro services 250 include examples of APIs provided by the API providers. For example, the micro services 250 include a repair order API 252, an e-payments API 254, a quote engine API 256, a DMS API 257, and a tax engine API 258. These examples should not be viewed as limiting. Rather, any API that facilitates any exchange of information between any of the parties discussed above may be used by the exchange platform 300.

The system 200 is secure, enables self-service, and is extensible, highly available, and flexible.

Communication between the exchange platform 300 and the devices 202, 204, 206, 207, and 208 of the partners, the dealers, the developers, the service providers, and the system integrators, respectively, may be performed using one or more networks (e.g., the Internet, cellular data networks, wide area networks (WANs), local area networks (LANs), personal area networks (PANs), switched networks (e.g., publicly switched networks), cloud networks, wireless networks, wired networks, or combinations thereof). Also, any of the blocks 202-258 illustrated in FIG. 2, or in any of the subsequent figures may indicate a single device or a distribution of devices, or may be a part of the same device as one or more others of the blocks 202-258 in a variety of centrally located architectures, distributed architectures, other architectures, or combinations thereof.

Furthermore, each of the exchange platform 300, the micro services 250, and the devices 202, 204, 206, 207, 208 may include one or more computing devices (e.g., desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, smart phones, point-of-sale (POS) stations, other electronic devices, or combinations thereof). A computing device may include at least a processor or processors operably coupled to a computer-readable storage medium or media (e.g., a non-transitory computer-readable storage medium such as a volatile or non-volatile data storage device). The processor may include a central processing unit (CPU), a microcontroller, a field programmable gate array (FPGA), a programmable logic controller (PLC), other programmable circuitry, or combinations thereof. The computing device may also include one or more communication devices (e.g., wireless and/or wired network communication devices such as WiFi communication devices, cellular data communication devices, Ethernet communication devices, Bluetooth communication devices etc.) operably coupled to the processor. The one or more communication devices are configured to communicate through WANs such as the Internet, LANs, virtual private networks (VPNs), PANs such as Bluetooth or Zigbee networks, cloud networks, other networks, or combinations thereof.

FIG. 3 is a simplified diagram of a system 370 including the exchange platform 300 of FIG. 2, according to some embodiments. The system 370 includes a governance system 390, a brand/online experience 360, and a store experience 380. The governance system 390 includes the automotive commerce exchange platform 300, which is discussed in more detail above with reference to FIG. 2. As discussed above, the exchange platform 300 includes the marketplace 242, the developer network 230, and the orchestration engine/transaction management 220. The exchange platform 300 also includes industry-enabled services 372 and a data warehouse 396.

The industry-enabled services 372 include services provided by the exchange platform 300 for the automotive industry. These services may include software-related services using software modules developed by developers in the automotive software space using APIs provided through the automotive commerce exchange platform 300. By way of non-limiting example, the industry-enabled services 372 may include a sales module 373, a service module 374, a parts module 376, an accounting module 377, and an employee module 378. It will be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art that many other modules for industry-enabled services 372 may be included within the scope of the present disclosure.

The data warehouse 396 includes data indicating, at a high level, information corresponding to products and information that are provided through the exchange platform 300. This data may be used by the exchange platform 300 to make high-level decisions, such as management of product, financial, and data flows through the exchange platform 300. By way of non-limiting example, the data warehouse 396 may include information indicating APIs provided through the exchange platform 300, software products provided and operated using the exchange platform 300, and information relevant to making approval decisions for APIs and software products to be distributed through the exchange platform 300.

The brand/online experience 360 includes a presentation layer 362 and a workflow layer 364. The presentation layer 362 is configured to present the APIs and service of the exchange platform 300 in a Web or Internet setting. As a result, the presentation layer 362 may include websites having Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) to enable consumers to access the exchange platform 300 through web browser software executed by personal electronic devices (e.g., personal computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, smartphones, etc.).

The store experience 380 includes a workflow layer 382 and a presentation layer 384 similar to the workflow layer 364 and the presentation layer 362 of the brand/online experience 360. One difference, however, is that the presentation layer 384 may focus more on presenting the APIs and services of the exchange platform 300 in a store environment (e.g., in an automobile dealership). In such embodiments, the presentation layer 384 may include a VPN to enable consumers of the exchange platform's 300 products to access the exchange platform 300 through in-store devices (e.g., point-of-sale systems, dealership computer systems and devices, etc.). This access to the exchange platform 300 may be provided using a thin client or thick client architecture. As illustrated in FIG. 3, in-store and out-of-store workflow layers 364, 382 are intertwined through a common exchange (the exchange platform 300), enabling end-to-end automotive commerce.

As previously discussed with respect to FIG. 1 above, without the system 370 of FIG. 3 and the exchange platform 300 of FIGS. 2 and 3, developers have been forced to provide different APIs to interface with each different DMS provider. The exchange platform 300 reduces or eliminates this need, as will be discussed in more detail in FIG. 4.

FIG. 4 is a simplified block diagram of an example of a system 400 of interfacing with multiple DMS providers, according to some embodiments. The system 400 includes developers 402A, 402B, and 402C (sometimes referred to herein together as “developers” 402 and individually as “developer” 402), the exchange platform 300 of FIGS. 2 and 3, and DMS providers 404A, 404B, and 404C (sometimes referred to herein together as “DMS providers” 404 and individually as “DMS provider” 404). The exchange platform 300 is configured to enable end-to-end automotive commerce through a standard set of interfaces 410 that enables applications to connect with any DMS provider 404. By way of non-limiting example, the interfaces 410 may include 3PAs, which may be developed by an entity managing the exchange platform 300 or by third parties that develop the 3PAs according to standards provided by the entity managing the exchange platform 300. The exchange platform 300 then interfaces with the DMS providers 404 using APIs 412 specific to those DMS providers 404.

Also, the system 400 serves as the foundation of a first-class developer experience. For example, the developers 402A, 402B, and 402C do not have to know the requirements of developing APIs 412 with the DMS providers 404 and can write the code for the interfaces 410 just once, in contrast to several APIs 110 as discussed above with reference to FIG. 1. As another example, the developers 402 may employ a consistent naming convention to understand how interfaces 410 can be interoperable.

The system 400 also enables third-party developers 402 to access DMS providers 404 through standard interfaces 410. The system 400 provides dealers the flexibility to use best-in-class modules to fulfill a given business workflow. The system 400 enables OEMs to innovate regardless of the software vendors being used by their dealerships. Furthermore, knowing the API definition and naming conventions will allow big data predictive analytical insights (e.g., appointment name must be consistent across the exchange platform 300 to enable knowledge that it is an appointment). Furthermore, the system 400 enables a single party to own the entire automotive transaction.

Guiding principles for embodiments disclosed herein may include one or more of the following:

    • A world-class developer experience;
    • Cloud native patterns, practices, and technology;
    • A focus on interactions in the network;
    • Transactions with persistent data-enabled powerful insights;
    • Curation as the new quality control; and
    • End-to-end security.

FIG. 5 is a simplified block diagram of an online automotive commerce exchange platform system 500, according to some embodiments. The system 500 includes a platform server 510 in electronic communication (e.g., via one or more communication interfaces) with a plurality of third-party servers 520-1, 520-2, . . . , 520-M and a plurality of user devices 530-1, 530-2, . . . , 530-N. The platform server 510 may be configured to provide the exchange platform 300 discussed above with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3. The user devices 530-1, 530-2, . . . , 530-N may include devices 202 of partners, devices 204 of dealers, devices 206 of developers, devices 207 of service providers, devices 208 of system integrators, or other devices, as discussed above with reference to FIG. 2. The plurality of third-party servers 520-1, 520-2, . . . , 520-M are sometimes generically referred to herein individually as “third-party server 520” and together as “third-party servers 520,” and the plurality of user devices 530-1, 530-2, . . . , 530-N are sometimes generically referred to herein individually as “user device 530” and together as “user devices 530.”

The platform server 510 is configured to provide, to users of the user devices 530, access to features 512. The features 512 include platform features 516 provided by the platform server 510 and third-party features 514 provided by the third-party servers 520. The third-party servers 520 are each configured to service one or more of the third-party features 514. In some embodiments the third-party features 514 include a plurality of different DMS systems. In some embodiments the third-party features 514 include repair order features, e-payment features, quote engine features, DMS features, tax engine features, or combinations thereof.

In some embodiments, the platform features 516 include features of transaction management 220 (e.g., consistent APIs 222, API test 224, event management 226, analytics/insights 228 etc.), features of a developer network 230 (e.g., developer portal 232, API test 234, forum/community 236, monetization 238 etc.), and features of provisioning 240 (e.g., marketplace 242, configurable workflows 244, billing/subscription 246, etc.) as discussed with reference to FIG. 2.

Rather than rely on various different sign-on credentials for each of the third-party features 514 or for each of the third-party servers 520, each user of the user devices 530 may access each of the features 512, including the third-party features 514, using a single set of sign-on credentials if entitlements to access these features 512 have been granted.

To enable the use of a single set of sign-on credentials for each user, the platform server 510 may include one or more data storage devices 518 including entitlements data 542, credentials data 544, and computer-readable instructions 546. The entitlements data 542 indicates which of the features 512 each of the users is entitled to access. In other words, the entitlements data 542 indicates entitlements of the users of the user devices 530 to access individualized subsets of the features 512 (e.g., the platform features 516 and the third-party features 514). The credentials data 544 indicates a single set of sign-on credentials for each of the users of the user devices 530. In some embodiments the single set of sign-on credentials for each user may include a single user identification and a single password.

The computer-readable instructions 546 are configured to instruct one or more processors 519 of the platform server 510 to provide the features 512 (e.g., the platform features 516 and the third-party features 514) on the automotive commerce exchange platform, and provide access to individualized subsets of the features (as indicated by the entitlements data 542) to the users via the individualized sets of sign-on credentials (as indicated in the credentials data 544). Each individualized set of sign-on credentials corresponds to a different one of the users, such that each user can access whichever of the features 512 the user is entitled to access using a single set of sign-on credentials associated with the user.

In some embodiments, some of the users of the user devices 530 include users affiliated with a provider of the automotive commerce exchange platform. In some embodiments, some of the users of the user devices 530 include users affiliated with the third-party servers 520 (e.g., users affiliated with third-party feature providers). In some embodiments some of the users of the user devices 530 include consumers of the third-party features 514.

In some embodiments the features 512 include one or more hierarchies of features. For example, one of the features 512 may include a DMS feature, which may include several sub-features. An entity of a dealership using the DMS feature may be granted certain ones of the sub-features, and a customer of the dealership may be granted different sub-features of the DMS feature. It will be understood that a developer of the DMS feature may be granted entitlements to access yet a different subset of the sub-features of the DMS feature, as would a system integrator.

In some embodiments, the computer-readable instructions 546 are further configured to instruct the processors 519 to modify the entitlements data 542 to augment, decrease, or change entitlements granted to one or more of the users. By way of non-limiting example, the entitlements data 542 may indicate that a first user has access to a first feature of the third-party features 514. The first feature may enable the first user to change the entitlements data 542 to adjust one or more entitlements of a second user of the first feature (e.g., increasing, decreasing, or removing the entitlements of the second user). In some embodiments, the entitlements data 542 may indicate that the first user is entitled to add to, take away from, and remove the one or more entitlements of the second user. The platform server 510 may be configured to change the entitlements data 542 to modify the one or more entitlements of the second user responsive to the first user requesting, using one of the user devices 530 or one of the third-party servers 520, that the one or more entitlements be modified. As a specific non-limiting example, the first user may be an entity of a first third-party feature provider, and the second user may be an end user of one or more third-party features 514 provided by the third-party feature provider. The entitlements data 542 may indicate that the entity of the first third-party feature provider has entitlements to adjust the end user's entitlements to one or more third-party features 514 provided by the third-party feature provider.

In some embodiments, the computer-readable instructions 546 are further configured to instruct the processors 519 to execute a plurality of different third-party software interfaces for at least some of the plurality of different third-party features 514 and provide the users access to their individualized subsets of the third-party features 514, via the user devices 530, using a single standardized software interface executed by the user devices 530.

In some embodiments the computer-readable instructions 546 are further configured to instruct the processors 519 to provide, to the users via the user devices 530, access to one or more individualized subsets of the platform features 516 provided by the automotive commerce exchange platform, via the users' single individualized sets of sign-on credentials.

FIG. 6 is a simplified flowchart illustrating a method 600 of operating an online automotive exchange platform. Referring to FIGS. 5 and 6 together, the method 600 includes storing 610, on one or more data storage devices 518, credentials data 544 including a plurality of sets of sign-on credentials corresponding to a plurality of users of the online automotive exchange platform (e.g., the exchange platform 300 of FIGS. 2 and 3). Each set of sign-on credentials of the plurality of sets of sign-on credentials corresponds to a different one of the plurality of users. The method 600 also includes providing 620 a plurality of third-party features 514 of a plurality of third-party feature providers on the online automotive exchange platform.

The method 600 further includes storing 630, on the one or more data storage devices 518, entitlements data 542 indicating which of the plurality of third-party features 514 each of the plurality of users is entitled to access using the corresponding set of sign-on credentials of the plurality of sets of sign-on credentials. The method 600 also includes providing 640, to each of the plurality of users, access to each of the plurality of third-party features 514 indicated by the entitlements data 542 responsive to reception of the corresponding set of sign-on credentials.

It will be apparent to those having skill in the art that many changes may be made to the details of the above-described embodiments without departing from the underlying principles of the invention. The scope of the present invention should, therefore, be determined only by the following claims.

Servers, systems, and methods for single sign-on of an automotive commerce exchange (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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