F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (2024)

Notes, Fingering & How To Play It

The F major scale on piano is one of the first ones people learn that has a special or unique fingering. It's not a difficult scale in terms of the key signature but it does throw a bit of a curve ball with it's B flat.

Here you'll learn:

  • how to play the scale
  • the notes of the F major scale
  • fingering for the right hand (on piano)
  • fingering for the left hand
  • the key signature of F major
  • a bit about the F major chord
  • what to practice!

The F Major Scale - Video Tutorial

Notes of F Major Scale

The F major scale is the first in line in terms of keys with flats in them. It's the scale with one flat. It starts and ends on F and all the notes in between are white notes except for Bb.

The key of F has Bb (B flat).

The notes of the F major scale are: F G A Bb C D E F

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (2)F Major Scale on Piano - Notes

Piano Fingering for F Major Scale

If you look at the picture above of the F major scale, you'll see the Bb lands on the spot where we usually cross our thumb under when using the standard scale fingering. Trying to do that with a flat there just won't work or feel comfortable. So this scale will be different in terms of fingering - but only for the right hand.

Right Hand Fingering for F Major Scale on Piano:

With the B flat in the key signature, the fingering is going to be different for the right hand. We will be going up to 4, then crossing our thumb under and also finish the scale on finger 4.

Right hand fingering: 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (3)Right hand fingering for F Major Scale on piano

Finger Numbers

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (4)The finger numbers for piano

Left hand isn't as complicated as the right hand. The flat doesn't change anything for this hand so it can still use the basic scale fingering.

Left hand fingering for F major scale on piano:

Left hand: 5 4 3 2 1 3 2 1

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (5)

Putting the F Scale Hands Together

When putting this F major scale hands together, it'll feel a bit awkward at first due to the difference in the fingering.

Here are some tips for playing F major scale hands together:

  • really get your right hand fingering down before putting hands together
  • start very slow, going up only
  • keep playing it VERY slow
  • once you've got going up handled, go back down ... very slowly
  • be patient with yourself!

This scale can frustrate some since one hand is "normal" and the other is not. So if you feel that way, remember to give yourself a bit of leeway (lots of people struggle here) and go very very slow to begin with.

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (6)

Resource for Piano Scales:

Fingering for all scales - especially more unique ones like F major, can be found in theComplete Book of Scales, Chords and Arpeggios here on Amazon(this is an affiliate link that will earn a tiny commission).

This is ahandy resourcewhen learning scales (and also arpeggios).

F Major Scale Fingering - Up and Down

If you're playing this scale going up and back down, use the following fingering to help you.

Here are pictures / diagrams of theFmajor scale on pianogoing both up and back down for thetreble clef and right handand thebass clef and left hand.

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (7)Treble clef fingering for F major scale on piano

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (8)Bass Clef Fingering for F scale on piano going up and down

The Key Signature of F Major

As you may have gathered by now, the key signature of F major is one flat - B flat (Bb).

When you play a song in the key of F, you always need to play a B flat instead of a B (unless instructed otherwise).

The key of F has one flat: Bb.

Understand the F Chord From F Scale

Now that you know the F scale, you can also know andunderstand the F chord- this is the F major chord.

This chord is written as just a F andmajor chords are built off of the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of the major scale.

If you look at the picture of the scale, you can see the1st, 3rd and 5th notes are F A C. Those three notes make the F chord and you can play that now as well.

Fsus / F4 / Fsus4

Let's also learn the formula for a suspended chord here.

A suspended chord has the chord formula of 1 4 5 - the 1st, 4th and 5th notes of a major scale.

Remember the Bb? It's on the 4th note of the scale. So that would be why this chord has a flat there.

The 1st note of the scale is F, the 4th is Bb and the 5th is C. So the F major chord is F Bb C.

Free Download:

Ultimate Chord Cheat Sheet

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (9)

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What To Practice?

This week,practice the F major scalein any of the following ways (depending on your level):

  • 1 octave, hands separately
  • 2 octaves, hands separately
  • 1 octave, hands together, only after the right hand is doing great

Also tryplaying the F chordwhen you get to theend of your scale.

Further Resources:

For more major scales, visit themajor scalespage.

Complete Book of Scales, Chords and Arpeggios here on Amazon(this is an affiliate link).

F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (11)

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F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It (2024)


F Major Scale on Piano: Notes, Fingering & How To Play It? ›

Using the formula, W-W-H-W-W-W-H, when we start on F, we move one whole step to G, one whole step to A, a half step to Bb, a whole step to C, a whole step to D, a whole step to E and a half step to F. And there we have it… the F major scale.

What are the steps in the F major scale? ›

Using the formula, W-W-H-W-W-W-H, when we start on F, we move one whole step to G, one whole step to A, a half step to Bb, a whole step to C, a whole step to D, a whole step to E and a half step to F. And there we have it… the F major scale.

What are the notes in the F major chord? ›

F major chord is made of three notes—F, A, C.

What are the finger positions for the F chord? ›

The easy F chord starts with your index finger on the 1st fret of the 2nd string. Then use your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the 3rd string. Your ring finger and pinky will play the 3rd fret on the 5th and 4th strings respectively.

What is the F major triad on the piano? ›

The F major triad consists of a root (F), third (A), and fifth (C). The distance between the root and the third is a major third interval (or four half-steps), and the distance between the third and fifth is a minor third interval (or three half-steps).

What is the finger position for the F minor chord on the piano? ›

How to play an F minor chord. An F minor triad is quite simple to play on the piano. With your right hand, place your first finger on F, your third finger on A♭, and your fifth finger on C. With your left hand, place your fifth finger on F, your third finger on A♭, and your first finger on C.

Which hand do you play chords on piano? ›

Chords are more commonly played in the left hand, so focus on learning them for the left hand. But! Especially in intermediate-advanced piano, the right hand plays many chords as well, so there is value in learning both.

What are the notes on the F scale piano? ›

The notes of the F Major scale are F G A Bb C D E. It's key signature has 1 flat. Press play to listen to the scale.

What does the F major scale look like? ›

F major (or the key of F) is a major scale based on F, with the pitches F, G, A, B♭, C, D, and E. Its key signature has one flat. Its relative minor is D minor and its parallel minor is F minor.

What is the formula for F minor scale piano? ›

The F natural minor piano scale starts with F. Then it travels up a whole step – half step – whole step – whole step – half step – whole step – whole step. Starting on F, take a whole step up to G, a half step to Ab, a whole step to Bb, a whole step to C, a half step to Db, a whole step to Eb, and a whole step to F.

Where is the F on A piano? ›

Not all notes have notes between them, you know. Do you know what a piano keyboard looks like? You have two black keys. The white key to the right of the second black key is E and the white key to the left of the first of the three black keys is F.

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