Common Law and Equity (2024)

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Common law and equity are two legal systems that developed in England and have had a significant impact on the legal systems of many other countries, particularly those following the English legal tradition, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. While they now operate within a unified judicial framework, their historical development and purposes highlight distinct features and functions.

Historical Development of Common Law
The common law system originated in England during the medieval period. It evolved from the customs and judicial decisions of the royal courts, which were used to resolve disputes. As judges made decisions in individual cases, they created precedents that were followed in subsequent cases, leading to a body of law that was common throughout the realm. Common law primarily provided remedies through monetary damages and was known for its rigidity and formality.

Historical Development of Equity
Equity developed as a response to the limitations and rigidity of common law. When the common law courts could not provide adequate remedies or justice due to their strict procedures, litigants petitioned the King, who delegated these petitions to the Lord Chancellor. The Chancery Court, led by the Lord Chancellor, applied principles of fairness and justice, providing remedies that were more flexible than those available under common law. Equity offered solutions such as injunctions, specific performance, and rescission, which addressed the needs of justice more comprehensively.

Common Law Principles
The principles of common law are based on precedent, also known as stare decisis. This doctrine requires courts to follow previous judicial decisions when the facts of a case are similar, ensuring consistency and predictability in the law. Common law remedies are typically monetary damages awarded to compensate for losses suffered due to a breach of contract, tort, or other wrongs.

Equity Principles
Equity is guided by principles of fairness, justice, and conscience. It operates on maxims such as "equity will not suffer a wrong without a remedy", "he who comes to equity must come with clean hands", and "equity regards as done that which ought to be done". These principles allow for more flexible and discretionary remedies, such as:

  1. Injunctions: Orders restraining a party from doing or continuing an act.
  2. Specific Performance: Orders requiring a party to perform a specific act, usually the completion of a contract.
  3. Rescission: Cancellation of a contract and restoration of the parties to their pre-contractual position.
  4. Rectification: Correction of a written document to reflect the true intentions of the parties.

Integration and Modern Application
Over time, the distinction between common law and equity became less pronounced, especially after the Judicature Acts of 1873-1875 in England, which merged the administration of law and equity into a unified court system. This integration meant that all courts could apply both common law and equitable principles, providing a more comprehensive range of remedies.

Unified Judicial System
In the modern legal system, courts are empowered to apply both common law and equity. This allows judges to provide the most appropriate remedy based on the specific circ*mstances of each case. For example, a breach of contract case might be addressed through monetary damages (common law) or specific performance (equity), depending on what is deemed just and fair.

Flexibility and Fairness
The fusion of common law and equity ensures that the legal system is both predictable and flexible. Common law provides stability through established precedents, while equity offers the flexibility needed to achieve justice in cases where rigid application of common law would result in unfair outcomes.

Legal Precedents and Discretion
While common law relies heavily on precedents, equity allows for judicial discretion to adapt legal principles to new and unique situations. This combination helps maintain a balance between consistency in the application of the law and the ability to address the nuances of individual cases.

In summary, common law and equity represent two complementary streams of legal principles and remedies that have evolved to address the limitations of each other. Common law provides a structured and predictable framework based on precedents, while equity introduces flexibility and fairness through discretionary remedies. The integration of these two systems within a unified judicial framework ensures that the legal system can deliver both consistency and justice, adapting to the specific needs of each case.

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Common Law and Equity (2024)


What is common law versus equity? ›

Paying money and ordering punishment was usually the remedies in Common Law court. Equity pretty much picked up where Common Law was lacking. It would demand fairness when justice was just not enough. Court consisted of only a judge who ordered actions that demanded a performance other than paying money.

What is the difference between in equity and in law? ›

Many people think that winning a lawsuit means winning money. That isn't always the case. There are two types of claims: legal and equitable. While plaintiffs pursuing a legal claim ask a court to award money, litigants bringing an equitable claim ask a court to either prompt or stop a particular action or event.

What is the meaning of common law? ›

Common law, also known as case law, is a body of unwritten laws based on legal precedents established by the courts. Common law draws from institutionalized opinions and interpretations from judicial authorities and public juries. Common laws sometimes prove the inspiration for new legislation to be enacted.

What is an example of equity law? ›

Examples: Suit in equity: A homeowner files a lawsuit against their neighbor to stop them from building a fence that would block their view. The homeowner is seeking an injunction, which is an equitable remedy, to prevent the neighbor from building the fence.

What is considered common equity? ›

Common equity is the amount that all common shareholders have invested in a company. Most importantly, this includes the value of the common shares plus retained earnings and additional paid-in capital.

What is the concept of equity? ›

Equity is the amount of capital invested or owned by the owner of a company. The equity is evaluated by the difference between liabilities and assets recorded on the balance sheet of a company. The worthiness of equity is based on the present share price or a value regulated by the valuation professionals or investors.

What are typical claims that one might make in a court of equity? ›

A court will usually award equitable remedies when a legal remedy is insufficient or inadequate. For example, courts will generally award equitable relief for a claim which involves a particular or unique piece of real estate, or if the plaintiff requests specific performance.

What is the definition of equity in legal terms? ›

equity. n. 1) a venerable group of rights and procedures to provide fairness, unhampered by the narrow strictures of the old common law or other technical requirements of the law.

What does a court of equity do? ›

A court of equity is a type of court with the power to grant remedies other than monetary damages. These remedies include injunctions, writs, or specific performance among others.

What is the main principle of common law? ›

The defining principle of common law is the requirement that courts follow decisions of higher level courts within the same jurisdiction. It is from this legacy of stare decisis that a somewhat predictable, consistent body of law has emerged.

What are the pros and cons of common law? ›

Pros and Cons

The benefit of a common law system is that you can be confident of what will happen in your case if a similar case has been heard before. The drawback is that if you have an unusual case, there is nothing to stop a judge creating a new law and applying it to your case.

What is another word for common law? ›

You can also call common law case law or judicial precedent.

How did common law lead to equity law? ›

Equity came as an alternative to common law and was applied as a result of the Roman Catholic Chancellor who heard these cases and applied equity based on Roman Law. Ultimately, Courts of Chancery were developed under the Chancellor which applied equity rather than common law.

What are 2 examples of equity? ›

For example, if someone owns a house worth $400,000 and owes $300,000 on the mortgage, that means the owner has $100,000 in equity. For example, if a company's total book value of assets amount to $1,000,000 and total liabilities are $300,000 the shareholders' equity would be $700,000.

What are the equity laws in the US? ›

Pay equity laws prohibit employers from paying employers less based solely on gender. All 50 states and the District of Columbia follow the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. Local laws vary widely from state to state.

What is the difference between the Court of Equity and the court of law? ›

Traditionally, English courts followed a distinction between courts of law, which could grant exclusively monetary damages, and courts of equity, which could not. The Court of Chancery was an example of an early English court of equity. This distinction between the two types of courts has now largely been dissolved.

What is the principle of equity? ›

Equity is defined as the guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups.

What is the difference between statutory law and common law? ›

The main difference between the two is that common law is based on past judicial opinions, while statutory law is based on current statutes (written laws). Examples of statutory laws include traffic laws like driving on a suspended license, drug laws like those regarding drug possession, etc.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.